UFO ATTACK! Battle of Mages, Brazil
Welcome back Space Enthusiasts! Today, we’re checking out a UFO ATTACK! The Battle of Mages Brazil!
In 2020, Mages Brazil went viral on social media and started trending everywhere as citizens began posting these UFO sightings online! Orbs, flashes, intricate designs in the sky! UFO’s were ALL OVER Mages! There were even videos of blue, red, and yellow light making triangular formations!
Tune in for the most exciting UFO compilation of common era!
I provide full commentary and my commentary is opinion not proven facts, feel free to share your thoughts and theories in the comments!
This is not just a growing phenomena but something you can capture yourself! I’m still blown away by my first experience!
#ufo #uap #paranormal #NHI #uapdisclosure #uapdisclosureact #disclosure #ufotwitter #alien
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Contact: ChaosMoogle@icloud.com
Peace, Love, and Light
Groovy Tony The ChaosMoogle
That’s Operation blue beam on play AGI has already bean invented, why shoot UFOs yet the government and us we all know the capabilities of these super advanced ancient beings our Ancestors..they can obliterate the enemy in a blink of an eye.
The gun shots could be testing, since it is a muniton factory.
Great videos, but there are no nuclear weapons in Brazil.
I amazed how quiet this story got.
Why is our governments trying so hard to hurt these aliens … they are here to help us grow up and become a peaceful society…. There is no evidence of them trying to hurt us … loosing control that’s what the government does want ..
War means money and money is everything to these governments criminals…
Those red balls of light are flares
Eventually there will be a battle between military forces and ET craft that will involve many witnesses and many civilian casualties. It will be too big to cover up therefore forcing governments of the world to admit there has been and still is evidence of their existence.
This was very interesting and briefing.