Derek (Alex Sharp), a brilliant college student haunted by a childhood UFO sighting, believes that the mysterious sightings reported at multiple airports across the United States are UFOs. With the help of his girlfriend, Natalie (Ella Purnell), and his advanced mathematics professor,Dr. Hendricks (Gillian Anderson, TV’s “The X-Files”), Derek races to unravel the mystery with FBI Special Agent Franklin Ahls (David Strathairn) on his heels.
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Very nice movie. And I am convinced that no, we are not alone. We can’t be the only ones. Witnessed (in company of a large number of people) a UFO appearance at the bottom of Monte Vergine, near Avellino, Italy in 1978.
Fantastic film !
Get rid of the pointless background music – especially when characters are interacting
Yeah l can rate it.
Very unscientific. The guy is not bright or brilliant, has average school math skills. How can he win any math olimpiad if he has no clue about finding all solutions? More of a talker or a bully. The plot is very basic. Huge contrast with a Beautiful mind or Enigma movies.
I take it this was all the Air Force, CIA, and DOD would approve
scully looks thin and tiered
Now read or watch Contact from Carl Sagan. He wrote the book and hollywood turned it into a movie with jodie foster.