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I appreciate the SOL foundation, they are doing great work. At the same time I feel they are not disclosure oriented. Intellectuals and x government. Once CIA, always CIA. They seem very concerned with the repercussions of disclosure on economy and society. That is the same mentality that took the tesla tech away from us because it was too beneficial but not profitable. Our economy and constructed society supports those who can profit from us. Would you rather have access to everything you need now or would you like to work for 45 years for a brief glimmer of it before you die? I accept the turmoil, time to disclose!
Can you talk more clearly please
Just some thoughts. Time and space are not as separate as we experience them. So travelers from distant stars are also time travlers especially if FTL ir interdimensional shortcuts is involved. the boundaries blur quickly at tyat point. As to why certain encounters with the same species are different.. maybe the aliens are not one homogenous monolith? maybe, like us there are good and bad ones? or maybe some are from another time where they changed?
Just some brainfarts lol
Lu “I know something you don’t know, but I can’t talk about it” Elizondo
“Penguin city” – love it! You handle far out claims with respectful wit. Thank you.
Putoff seems sus to me. The claim that he could predict what the markets would do and made $200k doing it, but stopped for some reason.
Jack Safatti walks the thin line between confidence and arrogance. One think is for sure, if he was asked to use his life and brilliance smashing particles and collecting data, he’d tell you off. We need more people like him
That vlad the alien post lines up w something Dr John Brandenburg recently said on through a glass darkly. Basically that government disclosure will be considered a hostile act against this other NHI. I’ve oftened wondered why certain people who appear to be pro disclosure switch sides at a certain point. Maybe they feel like contributing to the cover up is actually the best thing for humanity. This also would answer why Russia, China etc… Have not disclosed either.