Let’s dive into the most significant cases of human-alien contact to figure out whether information about visitors from outer space is a carefully planned government operation, a mere hoax, or the real deal.
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Aliens are real. They live in our oceans. We call them DOLPHINS. Or star children! They are telepathic and are in direct communication with Putin who is also a dolphin in human form. In fact, shapeshifting, alien dolphins inspired the legends about mermaids.
Man you have to do a little research. The very first story is BS.
I’ve never characterized a narration as both drunk and constipated. There’s a first for everything!
Aliens do not exist! And these foundings are often faked and are weather baloons, spy-planes or NASA prototypes.
Its all marketing to focus on uninteresting things to forget about what the government is doing!
these are fake. I mean c’mon if aliens do exist I’m sure they are very less human like. There should be a diverse alien species. Not all aliens have large heads and such skinny physique and the David Gruch whistle blow that was intentional disinformation to distract people.
Out of all the books in the Bible, the Book of Enoch — ultimately removed — strongly suggests extraterrestrials and highly advanced technology more than any of the others. But, unfortunately, it doesn’t fit the narrative the church teaches and therefore cannot be included.
Even without that particular book and just going by the books that are currently in the Bible, there are still far too many things that appear to be some sort of technology that the people of the time couldn’t describe correctly because they had never seen anything comparable and had no point of reference. A great example would be Jonah in the belly of a whale despite knowing such a thing is impossible. I still don’t understand why people would openly accept things like a man being inside of a whale’s digestive system and not consider that it was actually a man entering some sort of technology that could travel through water that they just didn’t have the words to adequately describe. That’s just one example of many that are actually far better examples.
We are all extraordinary spiritual beings having experience in the body. And Jesus is coming back.
Your idiots if you believe the alien.