The government covered this alien story up for DECADES… In this video, Rob Webb and Dr. Danny Faulkner discuss the Roswell Incident, why they don’t believe in aliens, and why the government told the public they had found a flying saucer.
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Christ “died once and for all.” He’s not on a crucifixion tour dying for sins on planets all over the universe.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Who is making the advance craft we see flying in our skies recorded by multiple sensors from multiple platforms? Seen 2 in my life. One flying a little lower than our aircraft over Clearwater Florida? The other about 50 feet above me when where I could make out specific parts of the underside? I am thinking industrious angles.
As a decades long financial supporter of AIG, I am embarrassed by the shoddy research and reasoning in this video. What makes it even more annoying is the chuckling smugness.
The Project Mogul lie of the 1990s has been addressed. Jesse Marcel Jr, for example, saw the crash debris at the time and “thoroughly researched Project Mogul and [wrote a book that] shows how this simply does not fit the facts. He states with certainty that the Mogul materials were nothing like what he saw in the family kitchen that night in 1947. He had a chance to personally examine some of the Mogul materials, so his opinion here is based on real knowledge. Beyond that, he researched which Mogul balloons were aloft at the time that could have landed on Mac Brazel’s farm, and none of them fit. And beyond that, the debris field was much larger than what you’d get from a Mogul balloon, and, since the Mogul materials were ordinary, the military usually didn’t even bother to collect downed balloons. So why, in the Roswell incident, did they scrape up every last piece of debris and have it flown, with armed guards, to Wright-Patterson?” – Theresa Welsh reviewing “The Roswell Legacy”
Now, to the question of whether God could have created other life besides what he created here on earth. We KNOW he did. Angels and demons and various other creatures described in the “spiritual” realm (which could just mean some higher dimension). Could he also have created non-human intelligent life on other planets? There is nothing that rules that out. But, what about the argument that such life would require Christ to die on those other planets for those other life forms. That is a huge assumption. Maybe they didn’t fall and, thus, didn’t need a savior (just as horses and dolphins don’t need a savior). Maybe they did fall but were not given the opportunity to receive salvation and eternal life (which is the situation with angels). Or maybe, just maybe, we don’t know enough to even have an opinion. Maybe when we ask it, God answers the way Aslan did: “Child … I am telling you your story, not hers. I tell no one any story but his own.”
I think it’s clear that these two are blinded by their preconceived notions (which are NOT based on the Bible, but on what they have wrongly assumed the Bible requires).
You will find zero ET Ships on this planet.
We don’t fly into your atmosphere, we don’t land, we don’t enter close enough to your planet to crash on it.
We Beam down. Where do you think Gene Roddenberry got it from?
He was US Army Air Corps (USAAC).
It would make sense for the government to push rumors about aliens. That way there is a plausible solution when the rapture happens. Aliens became the in thing shortly after Isreal became a nation again.
There are no “aliens” like the traditional ones you see in movies. They are definitely demons. Part of the end times deception.
“Alone in the universe” does not mean alone on this planet. “Aliens” i believe are real. Just not extraterrestrial. I believe in other intelligences. The bible clearly speaks on the spiritual realm and God clearly made gods and many ranks and types of angels. Some fell. Simple as that. Deception. Aliens = spirit being
A LIE N s are demonic