Jessica Burbank and Amber Duke discuss Congressman Tim Burchett’s (R-Tenn.) latest comments on government UFO declassification. Originally aired January
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Jessica Burbank and Amber Duke discuss Congressman Tim Burchett’s (R-Tenn.) latest comments on government UFO declassification. Originally aired January
I used to believe flying saucers. Now that the government admits to it, I believe it’s all bull $hit, getting us ready four a false flag.
We are all alone in the universe and our government is the enemy.
Jessica, it’s not an uncertainty, ET cultures are here in great numbers, US has possession of multiple ET craft and has studied them for over 75 years. It’s not a maybe, it’s a certainty. There are only weak minds unable to appreciate that. This handful of cases are strong enough to make it a certainty several times over: 1947 Roswell, 1965 Kecksburg, 1966 Westall, 1975 Travis Walton, 1980 Rendlesham, 1986 JAL Alaska, 1994 Ruwa Zimbabwe, 1996 Varginha, 1997 Phoenix V, 2000 St Louis, 2004 USS Nimitz, 2006 Chicago O’Hare, 2014 Ryan Graves.
Don’t ever bring your sheepish it’s maybe nothing again.
“Tens of millions”? Try hundreds of billions (if not trillions)
Ok, now I understand why factions of the government would want to keep the ufo topic alive.
It gives the deep state a cover to hide where tax money goes.
It could be that money is going to machinery in the government, which ends up greasing the wheels of corruption.
Maybe it goes towards paying corrupt officials to unlawfully spy, manufacture fake evidence of crime, or engage in other weaponizing of government resources against political rivals.
We are in trouble if Congress doesn’t start doing its job.
The cover up is about keeping the UFO topic alive, but keeping the details of where the money is going hidden.
We want the true
The Reason That the UFO subject has been & still is ..Kept under wraps Is RELIGION basically CHRISTIANITY ….. 100% Proof of Alien Life forms Is the Death knell Of the Christian Religion ! Too many top People In the USA are Highly Religious Plus The CATHOLIC Religion is a Business !
Someone who is an employee at Area 51 is for sure reading these comments. Could you provide something without compromising yourself or national security?
Do it! It’ll be dope.
Love this dude
Very good work you guys, this was a excellent piece. And they were here before us……..they have always been here…….everybody just needs to get used to it.