From the remote area of Alberta, Canada a mother and daughter witness the truly bizarre on a moonless night. While a veteran airlines pilot and co-pilot find themselves several miles above Boston, witnessing the unexplainable.
Looks like Phoenix lights are back
Some of these are just normal things with excited spectators too stupid to know that they are witnessing nothing special. It’s frustrating. People want to see things so bad and/or get some attention. If the video doesn’t show something that ties your mind into knots, we should not be giving them any attention.
You’re Right!
I am filming the same objects . Small dark 10 inches no sound around 2000miles/h . Anyone can record them . Just film any airplane , helicópter, paragliders , birds . Anyrhing flying over 50 meters Horizontal , zoom half way , record 30 sec , at 60 FPS
We’re not alone, we’ve never been alone. And what governments are trying to tell us, don’t believe a word of it, they talk nonsense and come across as very unbelievable, especially when it comes to UFOs and UAPs. Fortunately, we now know better. Even the history books and books of faith, there are thousands of references to the fact that we have never been alone.
There is aerial activity going on, clear to see so, and governments know these things are out there, and choose not to let Joe public know the true nature of these things for whatever reason they see fit.
The secret is out, but not from official sources.
Who knows where it may lead.
These things are being seen everywhere just now and even my elderly parents watched a fleet of orbs manoeuvring high in the night sky above Dundee (Scotland) over several days in late November 2023.
These creatures my number in the millions by now . They are literally everywhere . Sometimes it is very active here in rural upstate New York,other times nothing. But when it’s active, it’s show time . These things don’t have jobs obviously. All they do is fly around showing off. Even with their advanced technology, I think they are afraid of us . We have harnessed fire and we have a healthy disregard for life . Plus with our history of vacuum cleaner salesmen and Fuller Brush salesmen and then Amway , they keep their distance.