Jessica Burbank and Amber Duke discuss Congressman Tim Burchett’s (R-Tenn.) latest comments on government UFO declassification. Originally aired January
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Jessica Burbank and Amber Duke discuss Congressman Tim Burchett’s (R-Tenn.) latest comments on government UFO declassification. Originally aired January
That was a balloon with a jellyfish customer on it
Wasn’t this uploaded last week?
I don’t believe any of this about UFOs. If it comes from those in the gov it is a lie
Are we expected to believe the government?
Yes we cant depend on those in government that have hidden this to ever admit to its reality. The damage it would cause as people question the meaning of the lives lost in wars we have sent our kids to fight when we have been sitting on tech that could have minimized the millions of dead, citizens and military, or kept it from occuring altogether. Then the lawsuits the gov would face from aerospace and other companies when they found out their competitors had access to tech like this.
It will take responsible, or catastrophic, disclosure by civilians, or gov employees and contractors with a conscience like Snowden to let the truth out.
Keep at it Tim Burchett and the Hill. Dont let it get covered back up again.
Zzzzzzzz. This tells us nothing
There are 6 billion people own a mobile phone with camera and video, carry around with them and sleep with Mobile phone for 24 hours a day in the last 2 decades. But none of them manage to take any photo or recording UFO worldwide only the Pentagon and NASA. Green and gold America.
❤every time i see this anchor i say to myself God she’s so gorgeous❤❤
next the government is gonna use our tax dollars to look for giants.
Why don’t all the whistleblowers come forward at once, en mass? The sociopaths in the government can’t come after all of them at once without outing themselves.