Journalist Ross Coulthart, who first interviewed David Grusch about his claims of a UFO retrieval program, joined NewsNation to talk about a new report in which the Pentagon denied extraterrestrial craft or aliens exist. Coulthart said the attempt to stop people from talking about UFOs makes the Pentagon look ridiculous.
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The fact that the Pentagon has made a report about UFO… Should tell you everything you need to know.
Can we just be truthful for once?!?
Thank you, Ross. It is undoubtedly a cover-up of the cover-up of the existence of Extraterrestrial civilizations. We stand by you and together we will get the truth out and bring on global disclosure.
Pentagon spending so much $$ looking for nothing.. govt waste of $$. Time to cute pentagon funds use $ for social security or other programs
Ross may be the person who cracks the ufo problem
These control freaks and war pimps continues with manipulation and deception. It’s no way they will be able to continue with this. The show is over for them. People are waking up and we have no good reason to trust anything they are up to.
Sorry to say this Ross and NN, but it looks like catastrophic disclosure disclosure is the only way. Thank you for all the work you do for us.
When Ross is ticked off……….look out.
Is the Pentagon stating this under OATH! ….. NO!