Anonymous just revealed that a massive UFO was taken out & carried away by this military team. Anonymous revealed that something was taken out.
In the digital age, few entities have captured the collective imagination and sparked as much intrigue as Anonymous, even more so when individuals involved in the groups talk out about topics such as UFOs.
Operating under the banner of a faceless and decentralized collective, Anonymous has emerged as a symbol of internet activism.
With its iconic Guy Fawkes masks and enigmatic online presence, Anonymous has become a potent force in the realm of digital activism.
Thank you for watching!
Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!
Well, how very “enigmatic” was that?
AND…the plural of “craft” is “craft.
I suggest you go and ask some “sheeps”
Looks similar to the Oklahoma sighting
Anonymous Lol what a joke
29:50 Psh, as if our shtty tech is ever gonna compare to theirs
26:00 Those are ET ships
I don’t care about anonymous. It was long ago broken up and its founders prsecuted for crimes. What it has become may or may not be a facade for covert intellibece operations.
More important than UAPs, is the various governments refusing to disclose even basic information about their related activities. In truth, deep security states are refusing to disclose such information to elected officials they supposedly report to. This calls into question who is truly in charge and suggests that our elected governments are not actually in authoriry.
30 mins of non stop speaking yet u say nothing…. my god that hurt
I believe that the usa is involved in a space war that we are not read into .The wildfire are cover up for the downed spaceships. I never seen a wildfire in Canada that spreaded down the entire east coast.
Ive never seen not one UFO. It’s a joke