Bob Lazar FINALLY Breaks Silence On Recent UFO Sighting & It Changes Everything
Bob Lazar has been a consistent informant on UFOs and related alien technology secrets. From releasing classified pictures to descriptions of advanced technology, he has claimed to be behind the production of some UFOs. This time, he breaks his long-time silence about recently sighted UFOs; revealing secret information that has been hidden from the public for so long. Is Bob really in contact with UFOs? Join us as we explore Bob Lazar’s leaked information on the terrifying UFO sightings.
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As to the authentification of Bob Lazar’s claims I produced to you this evidence and that is that if they can remove his records From existence they can surely keep the fact that now that they have found element 115 they could honestly tell you that it’s just not feasible what he said but they did find it didn’t they just the fact that they found it Authenticates his story but it also brings in the question The truthfulness of our government and our research facilities
Humans are children where other beings have been around for many millennium. They would be far more advanced than we can comprehend. We have been lied to for since the beginning!
Bob lazar
I belive him as government will always hide the truth, and we know UFO’s exist and some one or two had to do his job!