都市伝説やオカルト 動画まとめ
2024年 The Black Keys on Possible UFO Encounters and Weird Sightings in Ohio
2024年 The Black Keys on Possible UFO Encounters and Weird Sightings in Ohio
JRE #2
2024年 UFO Caught on Camera During Nighttime Sting Operation! | Alien Highway
2024年 Formación OVNI y abducción en Malibú | UFO Witness
2024年 UFO Hoaxes *These Will Leave You Speechless* | The Proof Is Out There
2024年 今日の晩御飯をクレーンゲームで調達する親子 #ufoキャッチャー
2024年 見た目怪しいゲーセンで景品お得に取りまくってやったww【クレーンゲーム/UFOキャッチャー】
2024年 Top-Secret UFO Investigations Uncovered! (Season 21) | Ancient Aliens
What what he said in the beginning makes no sense he saw a ball of fire in the sky after 9/11 but then says he saw it a day or 2 earlier
My grandmother worked at the blimp hanger in akron ohio for almost 40 years. She had all these cool pics of the place andcwould tell me stories about stuff she got to see. No aliens but she did see them launch it many times. FYI the national soapbox derbie hill is right next to it. Old route 224.
In 1997 in San Marcos, TX, I was in my apt, and a very bright light came on outside my window blinds, flickering the electricity for a few seconds, with a humming sound. It lasted just a few seconds. Just seconds later, I got off the couch and opened the front door, where there was nothing to be found. To this day, I still don’t know WTF that was. I mean what causes a very bright light with a humming sound, flickering the electricity for a few seconds, then vanishes? Not lightning—much longer with no thunder.
Great band
lol I alwasy thought the Black Keys were unserious goofballs. cringe dorks, and a hugley overrated band.
The no fly zone in Ohio is only no fly for civilians. Military can fly there all they want
While there are many intelligent forms of life out there i personally believe we are hundreds and thousands of lightyears away from each other and will prob never even be aware of each others existance. So i dont think an alian ufo has even been to earth. Really hope im wrong though
Dayton sucks