2024年 “Aliens Among Us?” Mike Graham Questions Supernatural Spirits After Mysterious Monolith Appears

  • 2024.03.14
  • UFO
2024年 “Aliens Among Us?” Mike Graham Questions Supernatural Spirits After Mysterious Monolith Appears

TalkTV’s Mike Graham says a mysterious monolith spotted on a remote hill in Wales is not the only sign of the supernatural within the UK.

Craig Muir, who is in his 30s, came across the alien structure, which actually turned out to be a shiny, silver monolith – a large single upright block of stone – during his regular hike up Hay Bluff, in Powys, Wales, in the morning.

Social media users including TikTokers and Instagrammers have previously captured the giant structure in the Isle of Wight, the Merry Maidens stone circle in Cornwall and a few isolated parts of Europe.

Mike says: “Could aliens be living among us? Just take a look at the Cabinet… you wouldn’t be surprised would you!”

#monolith #wales #mikegraham #talktv

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