In a terrifying UFO encounter, author Alec Newald had his entire life turned upside down after a strange group of alien races abducted him in broad daylight. In an eye opening interview, this man shared many shocking details about his abduction: details that make his story the most terrifying of all.
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The abductions are being supressed by our Governments who know what’s going on. 411 Disappearances in remote areas are on the rise and these are directly related to UAP abductions.
the alien could do anything to the world for thousand years ago but THEY HAVENT. so why now.
Awareness is everything control comes next the question is who where when and how
Did they clown you body are you sure you’re in your body returning home.
Aliens? You mean demonic entities?
Outstanding presentation.
Travis Walton saw 3 beings when he jumped off the table, not two. Small detail, but just clarifying
This is worst than The Stay Puff Marshmallow Man & The Good Ship Lollipop, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, until they come and show themselves in clear daylight, it is a bunch of HOOEY.