都市伝説やオカルト 動画まとめ
2024年 THEY ARE HERE! Whistleblower David Grusch FINALLY Breaks Silence On Recent UFO Sightings
2024年 THEY ARE HERE! Whistleblower David Grusch FINALLY Breaks Silence On Recent UFO Sightings
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2024年 UFO Whistleblower Gives Us Never Before Insights into Area 51 | Jason Sands & James Fox
2024年 🔴 UFO Incidents Captured On Camera | Aliens In Alaska
2024年 Hawk – UFO (Official Audio)
2024年 Global crop circle phenomenon inspired by UFO mystery in Far North Queensland? 🛸 | ABC Australia
2024年 Vinny – UFO 50 (PART 11)
2024年 Drones spotted over Long Island airport | NewsNation Now
Aliens are COWARDS, think about it,……….people that live in the shadows and strike when you least expect it and then deny you were ever there, it is called COWARD behaviour. Not a single ‘alien’ has presented itself to the world public yet aparently we have sightings all over the world,…..COWARDS making the rest of us seem crazy seeing things that are not there and ‘aliens’ think this is a great idea?, COWARDS.
Are the worlds governments keeping secrets from it`s people .Does a bear do the proverbial in the woods.
Demonic potentially. If we don’t know by know. Maybe we were weren’t designed or created to know or understand.
Aumuamua is coming back let’s see what happens
All the secrecy revolves around money and power. It’s all BS when they say the public’s not ready for this knowledge. There are too many Mickey Mouse psychologists, with diplomas in nonsense, that have influence they don’t deserve. It all boils down to controlling the hive, for fear of them finding out life could be a lot easier than it is. The elite fear the workers destroying society if they realise alien technology could give them all rich, stress-free lives.
No we are Not Alone
It feels like we should all be living in an inter- dimensional multi-verse of splendour that is ineffable, unfortunately a massive mindfuck has been going on from the time since the Fall. We have built a 3D wall around us through our indoctrinated minds, I believe that so many are now waking up that the barriers are glitching in and out. Jesus told us all this in his parables e.g. “My Father has many mansions, The Kingdom of Heaven is within you,the truth will set you free …….” We can break down the walls of our minds with faith and knowledge, it will be interesting to see the reaction when the veil is lifted and the stars fall from the sky,the heavens rolled up like a scroll. The creator left full details in the Holy Bible.
Project blu beam Trump 2024
It’s true !!! I saw a craft !! I was 5 I ran in my room and hid under my bed