都市伝説やオカルト 動画まとめ
2024年 10ft Miami Mall ALIENS 60 Days Later Changes EVERYTHING
2024年 10ft Miami Mall ALIENS 60 Days Later Changes EVERYTHING
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2024年 【クレーンゲーム】GIGOで人気プライズフィギュア攻略!デカ箱など予算3000円でいくつ取れる!? #橋渡し設定 #UFOキャッチャー #クレーンゲーム
2024年 She Was DESPERATE to Record This❗❗😨 – Aliens, Ghosts, Skinwalker, Bigfoot & Camping Creepy TikToks 9
2024年 Using Psionic UFO Contact Methods to Summon an EGG UAP
2024年 これが1番安く取る方法 #クレーンゲーム #ゲームセンター #ゲーセン #ufoキャッチャー #攻略
2024年 制限だらけの台なら簡単説 #クレーンゲーム #ufoキャッチャー #ゲームセンター
2024年 お手入れのタイミングで自らUFOキャッチャーされに来る愛犬たちw【トイプードル】
Ben, whatever happened to the guy who claimed to have footage, then his apartment exploded. He also said his family were dispersed to different locations for their safety. He did say he was contacting a documentary film maker to assist him.
A Mall…..where are all the camera’s inn the Mall It’s Fake
People’s video would have been uploaded to the cloud. It’s hard to believe that the cops successfully deleted ALL those videos. I wonder if AI was deployed and scrubbed it from iCloud and what not?
Where is all the video from all the people who were there? Should be hundreds of different videos of 10’ tall creatures, the only thing I’ve seen is this drone video and a couple of clearly cgi fake videos
This exploded New Year’s Day 2023 too lol same story bit suspicious
I think something weird happened but only a handful of people at the mall actually saw it, the fact that the same story about teens came out in the miami news a year before in 2023 convinced me it was a cover up story.
Not 1 video of the kids causing trouble,atleast there should be 1 video in the mall,and no arrests or Police report.No evidence that the kids story is true.They would have shown you the kids making trouble if there was video,you aint seen none cause there is none.
I tried different coordinates to see where it would land. Looks like they got their GPS Coordinates mixed up.
Miami: 80°11’12″W 25°46’41″N
Antarctica: 80°11’12″S 25°46’41″E
Greenland: 80°11’12″N 25°46’41″W
Indian Ocean: 80°11’12″E 25°46’41″S