Members of Congress known as the “UAP Caucus” are pushing for a dedicated select committee to investigate the topic. NewsNation’s Ross Coulthart speaks with Washington, D.C., correspondent Joe Khalil to find out how likely it is such a committee could be formed and how its powers could shed new light on the topic.
More Reality Check:
Executive Producer: Andy Gipson
Producer: Jon Rosenberg
Editors: Sarah Jackson, Randi Orr, Dave Pellenz, John Nock, Mike Adams
00:00 Secret meetings on Capitol Hill
Congress needs to create new laws to prevent rogue corrupt sections of the Pentagon hiding what they are doing from Congress. e.g.
1. No member of any government or private entity should be considered about the President and as such no one should have a higher security clearance than the President.
2. Any document, digital data or photo that the President requests should be supplied to him/her within 14 days, unredacted and unedited.
3. Failure to comply with no. 2 above can lead to unlimited imprisonment, fines, removal of pensions and other percs. Any persons preventing the President from receiving such requested information will be considered an enemy of the State.
4. The President has the right to pass on temporary security clearances to any bipartisan investigation comitee members.
5. No action can be taken against members in section 5 (above) for information gained, after the temporary security clearances are withdrawn.
HI Ross even if congress push and push the pentagon to ” tell the truth ” the pentagon is still only going to give a fraction of what they know ,congress can set up heaps of commities doesnt mean the pentgon or any other american agency is going to give us the whole truth . We need all goverments world wide to tell its people the truth about uap’s and aliens ,i dont see this happening ever
I have a very serious question to make, and it’s divided into 2 parts:
1) Does anyone remember some super high ranked person on the private sector of the companies running the so-called “reverse engineering program” saying: ” for all of this to become public, it would only take an act from God!” ?
2) No matter what committee, no matter how many politicians get involved, with all this conflict of interest and the measures taken in the past for silencing people, is anybody here who truly believes that anything good will come out of it? That the truth will somehow be disclosed?
In my eyes, there is a greater change for me to be hit by comet right between the eyes, than the truth comes out ever… And I don’t say that as a joke…
The human race is being flat out lied to. This is the most important thing we need. As it effects our way going forward in life. What gives them more a right than ya to to this. We need to come together and against the government’s of the world
That’s why it’s important to open your pineal gland To have the spiritual wakening Show you know the truth It’s been blocked with chloride water and toothpaste the stuff they put in our food Wake up people
If you really knew what was going on it would shock you the real truth Say this it was rigged since day one And you can believe that for sure !!!!!!