Patrick discusses Danny Sheehan’s SHOCKING comments about Alien Abductions on the Unraveling The Universe Podcast.
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Thanks For Watching! – Patrick
A bunch of things seem far out but that’s just the reality lol everything is far out
Also Patrick, Marshall Vian Summers, the guy in Boulder he’s referring to? Is a channeler. He’s a New Age channeler. And I’m saying this as a psychic medium who used to channel myself. But that’s not a basis for fact- or the truth for that matter. That there are “five species” currently engaging the planet in the manner described is not PROOF. Furthermore, he doesn’t know if Summers is actually in contact with the species or galactic organization he /they claims- and has no way of knowing if Summers is even being given information, if in fact that’s what’s happening, that is the truth. There’s NO WAY currently , if you’ll pardon the expression, to VET what Summers is saying. He’s citing thirdhand information off of a source that is as of the time of this writing not provable or legitimate. He’s literally quoting a New Age Channeler who wrote a bunch of books (The Allies of Humanity Series- and they are well written! I mean whether or not Summers is talking to someone, they are interesting and good books! Take a look! But they’re not proof) that Sheehan *actually had the cojones to cite* as the basis for this argument. Summers is no one in ANY position of power or influence to move the dial on disclosure in ANY legitimate way. He’s not an elected official, he doesn’t have top-secret clearance for anything, he’s a civilian as far as I know. He doesn’t have a background in government, diplomacy, anything related to Geopolitics, or ANYTHING that would affect disclosure and legislation in ANY legitimate way whatsoever. What I’m still trying to get over isWHY Sheehan would cite something so fucking crazy cakes (I’m saying that affectionately because I like the writer’s work ) yet take it as fact. And again, I personally believe that there is some kind of galactic group that at least, on an individual/sample size level is doing something to help humanity along in some way. Just like with any war, there’s a resistance, there are allies, there’s an axis, there’s bad guys. That’s war. And this is an information war as much as it may be a physical war behind the scenes. There may in fact be a group as Summers posits who is working for the survival and/or on the flip side subjugation/removal of humanity as we know it. On some spiritual level. And maybe even a geopolitical level. But I have no basis for that fact. It’s just a feeling and based on my own experiences as an experiencer/contactee myself. But until it can be proven, I can’t say that it’s 100% real. And yet here’s Sheehan playing fast and loose with this. Quite the red flag.
I’m 100 percent convinced abductions are real!! There’s people who make it up for sure but look into the history of it! As long as there’s been ufos there’s been abduction along with it!
No ET but even a worse case scenario…Interdimensional beings who don’t need to travel trillions of light years but are right here all along
With all the 168 alien species how come they all just want to show themselves to a few people late at night. One would suppose some of the species had some other approach. Don’t know just wondering.
That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. They are more advanced, they don’t need our permission. Do we ask animals permission to go and abduct them and do study’s on them? Hell no! We are more advanced and we use that to our advantage, and so does the observers on us
bye mom ! going to college to learn how to talk to the 5 alien races lol
Well, what’s going to stop them, right? Mind as well get what info we can to be able to stop it.
No government knows anything about this stuff, we’re not at war with aliens, and yet it’s a national security threat? My ass. It sounds like a blank check for war and a larger budget for the pentagon. This is the same playbook the gov has used for its whole history. Stop buying into hysteria and reactionary mindsets that we should be afraid of everything. You’re falling into the military’s trap.