Does a video claimed to be discovered sealed in Vatican archives, show a real case of demonic possession? See more in this scene from Season 4, Episode 9, “Falcon 9 Mystery, Demonic Wall Climber and Leningrad Alien Fetus.”
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This is so dumb. Never had I expect such a great of a channel would come up with these kind of content. Makes them look like idiots.
CGI/AI video no doubt, but demonic possessions really occur and give possessed people super human capabilities such as an extraordinary strength, ability to speak languages, levitation just to name a few.
Now its spots in the gym. Rock climbing
The sell
I was attacked for about 2 years. They come by day too.They leave as a tannish smoke. I fought. Punch, kick, bite, holy water spray, big cross, holy items, pray, Saint Michael’s prayers and The Holy Helpers used. 5 saints appeared in 3 visits. Ruff years. Their horrific.
Fake but fakin good
CGI faked.
This is CGI – Computer Generated Imagery since you obviously are unfamiliar lmfao
Our days are short so please repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus!!!