Is it possible that other intelligent species exist in the universe? If so, is there evidence of these extraterrestrials hiding in plain sight? Find out in this clip from Season
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Is it possible that other intelligent species exist in the universe? If so, is there evidence of these extraterrestrials hiding in plain sight? Find out in this clip from Season
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tgey not aliens theyre our neighbours they cant tell what is happening aroud us
you may think this is nothing i know about it when theyre around power goes off in kenya large objects on the skies at night
theyre telling us earth is round no its flat with no known wlend many neighbours
These are Jinn race, who are living on earth before humankind.
I find it hard to believe that people don’t think aliens exist! How much proof do you need? “Eyes Wide Shut”
And the US flew a secret aircraft in Rendlesham Forrest.
The US continues to explode nuclear bombs. No one knows where.
In case the extraterrestrials are interested in nuclear, why aren’t such in Japan? Even stronger : the biggest nuclear explosion was carried out in The USSR in Novaya Zemlya : 50MT. They wanted to blow 100MT, but, the project leader was afraid a huge area would be polluted by radiation and went, personally, to Brezhnev to reduce to 50MT. The shock waves ( earthquake ) were felt in Sweden. And yet, no extraterrestrials there.
No UFO can disable or enable mechanical switches. Different is the story of relays. Highly unlikely, though. A secret, US project took place to see whether the rockets can be disabled. So secret, never been disclosed.