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Harvard Professor Avi Loeb claims that UFOS could have travelled through extra dimensions and that CERN scientists are trying to unlock said dimensions. Kristian Harloff and Pavel give their thoughts on this theory.
#uap #ufo #disclosure #government #information #ufonews #havanasyndrome
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CERN should not be messing around with finding extra dimensions. Nothing good will come of it. We already have a huge amount of reports of UFOs in 2024 already
What if humans destroyed the earth millions of years ago through nuclear war or catastrophic accidents and went under the ocean until the earth was habitable again but the we popped up and now they are observing the surface dwellers to see how we developed and if we are a threat. I think if I popped out of the ocean and saw human life I would turn around go right back under the water. Humans are crazy man lol
Anyone who claims this is impossible is not a thinking, rational person. The possibilities that face us today are endless. I was always a physics nut. Interested in black holes, quantum physics, etc. But always within the realm of our understanding of the ‘laws of physics’. It was only when I was confronted with the Tic Tac and Gimbal videos that my mind opened up to this new consciousness. To the notion that we need to throw away the ‘laws of physics’. They are holding us back. It is a liberating experience to realize that we are not confined to the parameters laid down by scientists and academians. Instead, we have a new horizon. We see things that are considered impossible. It causes us to reflect on the world as we know it. That phrase, ‘as we know it’, has never been more true. And if time, dimension and gravity are not confined, then we must consider that ‘they’ are us. Government sources have repeatedly stated that there are no extraterrestrials, no aliens. Perhaps we should pay more attention to what they’re not saying. Perhaps we should think of time as dimensions we can pass through. That we can transcend our world and never leave home. These are heady times, friends. Let’s use our brains harder.
The only dimension is the spiritual. There are demons and that is what is happening. Demons are playing tricks on humans making them think there is life on other planets and alians and all that noncense! The judgement is coming over the world and satan is working hard on dragging as many as he can away from God and the truth straight into the lake of fire, wich God has prepared where he will destroy satan in the end. So, ok you can throw away your lifes on believing in alians, dimensions or what ever. I myself know Jesus is real.
Spiritual inner development…. Will take any evolving soul, to both comprehend and experience directly…….. Religion fails….. *
Cap! Until i see real proof
Lets say you went back 2000 years in time with a drone , car and a smartphone… What do you think the reaction would be? Its not so difficult to imagine…