The UK ministry of Defence secretly admits UFO and UAP are real. in their SECRET report they look at what they are and how their physics might be weaponised.
Have you even hear of the ‘Condign Report’ ? it seems the USA has not, and is still asking the question are they real.
John Burroughs knows UAP and the Highly Strange is real. He stood too close to a strange phenomena at Remdlesham Forest in Dec
This is one of your best episodes yet! I do think also that the French in 1997 with the release of their COMETA report should be added. That report came to the conclusion that UFOs/UAPs are of extraterrestrial origin.
Ross, did u check out, prof Simon Holland from the UK, I only started watching his channel, only about 2 months ago, should have been sooner, because watching his channel & podcast in that short space of time, I have learnt more in that time, than I have watching the American people talking about this in the past 30 years, being that that the EUROPEAN union program SETI has found ET life from a distant planet, & the European union is going to setup a world radio telescopes at a cost of 95 billion euros, & also yesterday he put out that he has the evidence that the UK Government, has said that yes there is ET,S, which they put report out back in 2000, from the DOD, , which was the consign report., very interesting mate,,. Because as we all know, the yanks are Not going to come straight out & tell us about disclosure,???
Great talk. Glad we are finding the fringes
The Condign report has been known and read over and over for years in the US.
The AARO report is the new Condign Report with many, many errors, discrepancies, and poorly put together. It’s laughed at here in the US.
The DoD actually invited only a select few journalists to hear the report the day before it was released to the general public. Hand selected journalists the department uses as puppets. They’re also poor at their jobs as journalists. Even outside the UAP subject. Their names are available online. Reading past stories from these journalists on other matters is a lesson in incompetent writing.
Yeah, we’re being visited. Just because we can’t make sense of it doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. A truly intelligent person made this conclusion years ago with all the information that’s existed and been accessible to the public. Unlike the Neil deGrasse Tyson types who are too arrogant to see. Science is sadly far behind on this subject.
At the start of the UFO era when pilot Kenneth Arnold spotted the formation of flying objects from his plane, he only mentioned that the objects seemed to move “LIKE” a saucer being skipped across water. The reporter called them “flying saucers” and that name stuck.
The “Very Strange” thing after that was the incredible sightings and pictures of actual saucer-shaped objects.
Now we have every shape of UFO that can be imagined. They seem to be something that has no shape.
Thank you for this episode. If a person is exposed to plasma, wouldn’t they be electrocuted?
Why would the ETs want to make contact with our species as everything around technology involves weaponizing it.
FFS there is something seriously sociopathic with these elites who are intent on being megalomaniacs.
The main takeaway from the Condign Report. It is not saying that these are extra terrestrial or craft or ships…..