都市伝説やオカルト 動画まとめ
2024年 The Pascagoula Alien Abductions: The Most Perfect ET Case ft. Philip Mantle | Special Episode
2024年 The Pascagoula Alien Abductions: The Most Perfect ET Case ft. Philip Mantle | Special Episode
“Beyond Reasonable Doubt” book:
2024年 UFO Caught on Camera During Nighttime Sting Operation! | Alien Highway
2024年 Formación OVNI y abducción en Malibú | UFO Witness
2024年 UFO Hoaxes *These Will Leave You Speechless* | The Proof Is Out There
2024年 今日の晩御飯をクレーンゲームで調達する親子 #ufoキャッチャー
2024年 見た目怪しいゲーセンで景品お得に取りまくってやったww【クレーンゲーム/UFOキャッチャー】
2024年 Top-Secret UFO Investigations Uncovered! (Season 21) | Ancient Aliens
Thank you so much for watching. And, an extra thank you to Philip Mantle for being a part of this video. If you want to learn more about this case, including reading transcripts of interviews and regressions in full, be sure to check out his and Dr. Irena Scott’s book, “Beyond Reasonable Doubt”: . I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend! – Laura
You have an interesting channel with interugin topics.
inside ufo alien told them that they are now like that fish who cannot comprehend a human coming to their territory and netting them
Starting to question what is going on here… I don’t know if you are aware but out of your last seven episodes, six have involved aliens. If this is gearing up for a new special then more power to you but, if this is the new direction you choose to take this channel in then, I will have to remove this channel from my notifications. Mind you, this is in no way a criticism of your skill and quality of production, this is just a personal preference on my part.
I love the supernatural! Ghosts, demons, myths and lore are my bread and butter. That being said a larger and larger number of paranormal channels seem to be making a switch from ghosts and demons to alien abductions. I find it off-putting. I’m old enough to know a time when cryptids and aliens had their own classifications and weren’t lumped in with ghosts and demons. I could understand to a point about cryptids being lumped together but not flying saucers and little grey men. It feels like every time I load a new paranormal video lately I get Sci-Fi instead. Not my thing but hey I watched X-files, if I know the channel is Sci-Fi from the jump I’ll indulge on occasion. But Alien abduction stories are a dime a dozen. They all feel very scripted and molded. Someone minding their business and bam little grey men or a spacecraft. Government coverup or denial, crazy tales of experiments to create hybrids. No history, no possible answers as to why. No chance of solving the problem. and the algorithm sees that I watched a video from a channel I normally enjoy and spits more videos like it at my face. I’m tired of the inundation of Alien abductions on my page that are crowding out traditional paranormal phenomena.
Again, Your channel, Your choice. I get that. I’m just one dissenter in a sea of loyalists. Have fun doing what you love. You always put out quality content no matter the subject. I just like my supernatural cheerios to have a little less space flakes in them. That is my opinion. Please don’t let it ruin your enthusiasm for a great channel. Have a nice day.
love your videos!
The poor guy doesn’t seem to know what he’s saying anymore. Just like my elderly uncle who was blaming his clothes disappearing on faerie and such.
Alien abductees never seem to describe the aliens or craft as having a smell.
This info is no longer online (i.e. google searches bring back no good results ..ai bot censorship probably).
In Pascagoula, on that river, sits a factory (there are a few). One that did bioweapons research (and used their own, custom made, hazard suit). The weapons researched, alter perception. And were being tailored, to give very specific experiences. There was a leak into the river, while these men fished. This info was leaked (many years later) by Pascagoula people who worked at the factory/in the area.
However, with stories like this, who knows who is telling the truth.
Imma drop a cool nugget here. Your mind can manifest shadow ppl. The kind that whisper and are only seen out of the corner of your eye. They are only creepy if you make them out to be. They enjoy humor..