In an intriguing exploration of alien abductions, Fringe reveals a complex web of generational paranormal activities with sinister implications. She describes abductions as part of a longstanding alien agenda focused on human genetics and hybrid breeding, orchestrated by beings like ‘Grays’, ‘Mants’, ‘Reptilians’, and demonic forces. This scheme, she suggests, spans millennia, targeting specific bloodlines to create hybrids poised to replace humanity. Beyond the physical abductions, these entities aim to manipulate the human soul, challenging our autonomy and spiritual essence. This narrative raises profound concerns about these entities’ motives and their potential to fundamentally alter human identity and freedom.
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What she detailing makes more sense then history channel than forbidden knowledge tv
Fruit cake anyone…bwahaha
Principalities are much more powerfull than demons, but even they are subject to the authority of the name of Jesus. The people who managed to stop the abductions, all did it by rebuking the spirit in the name of Jesus. They fear the son of God. I have seen a spirit drop all the oppression of a friend when I prayed with her. I also rallied other believers all over the country to pray for her as well… just in case it was more powerfull than I judged it to be.
Okay . . . and could she inquire into the Hivemind why they want souls trapped in bodies ?
I’m mean surely they could have a bunch of robots that are completely obedient and not have to perform an ounce of research on how to lock a soul into a body that’s going to die anyway.
Doesn’t really make sense from a logic point of view.
They’re not very bright are they.
Kinda disappointing really.
Along with them crashing all the time. Sigh.
I disagree, I think they are creating the hybrids so the “grays” can inhabit the hybrid bodies as they are trying to experience what it is like to be human with emotions. A lot of abductee report the “grays” studying human reactions and emotions as they try to understand how we tick. They already have the ability to transfer their own soul into a new body, so the idea of a soul trap doesn’t really make sense. If anything they are creating a hybrid with less barbaric tendencies as humans are war like and will most likely destroy the planet !!!. If anything the Grays are conservationists to life. I think we are their experiment for thousands of years, and because of the internet and exchange of information we have finally realised that this has been happening. We are the evolution of primates, the new hybrids are the evolution of humans, the next stage in the grays experiment.
2:45 She had to elaborate and go into more details about the being that was way more powerfull than demons….
Whats her channel name
you stated something important for Christians to understand…this mindless unconscious way of being on earth starts with Darwin and ends with people walking blind in a snake pit
For once My family is left alone cause no one has ever said anything about aliens. I was told though when an old gay aunt died there were other people with her and at the moment of death, there was a huge black mist that enveloped that scared the hell out of every person in the room. They all gasped and ran out of the room. Always said there was some kind of black cloud that followed my family. Still haven’t a clue what it is.