#aliens #miamimall #vegas
Someone with a forensic background analysis the 9 Foot alien footage of the family in Vegas and says its real! So is this enough evidence that will convince people that the aliens in Miami mall and the Vegas backyard family are real or is it still not enough proof of alien existence?
Take a look and tell me what you think.
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It’s just not possible that we are the only living things in this world
I heard that footage is not from Miami mall…
Ben that Las Vegas video, I keep saying it and unsure if anyone else has noticed it but if you slow it down and you look at the guy with the teal/green shirt around his left head side you see in distance in front of him something black peak in. Thats what they looked at when they freaked out.
Amazing video!!
Interesting one there. Food for thought. Musical greetings from Belgium, Gunther (singer and lyrics writer of Gabriel Scar)
And idk why they kept stopping it right before over and over but when they let it go like 2 seconds longer I could swear I see like a evil looking eye when the head turns towards us
Aliens aliens aliens don’t.u have out else m8 aliens r boring old news
This video is bullshit. There is a giant spot light next to the camera man. This outshines the other light that casts the shadow of the guy in green, onto the tree as he walks through the gate.
that’s gun fire is planted. so not legit. Then other camera should have captured gunners right
Hi Ben, this was a good update, thanks for sharing it… I wanted to share an experience I had quite a few years ago now but one that I always refer to as weird and mysterious. I was on my way home after work one evening and I had pre-arranged to meet my daughter at the local supermarket so we could shop together. As I was approaching the main road up to the supermarket I saw what looked like a shooting star falling straight down and it caught my attention and looked strange, out of the ordinary as such things are. I continued on and met up with my daughter and I was telling her about what I’d seen as we entered the store. Then a few moments later when I was looking in the fridge section with her, an older male voice said excuse me and his hand and arm started sliding in front of my face as I was looking down into the fridge and he had this big faced watch on and asked me to tell him what date it was? It honestly freaked me right out and I looked up and saw that he was a smartly dressed older gent with grey hair, I had never seen him before or since but it was definitely a moment I will always remember as what you describe as freaky deaky and unexplained?
I live in Yorkshire in the UK and this was the most strange and close up encounter I’ve had but I’ve seen many unexplained lights in the sky over the years. I think the timing of this experience was odd as well because I saw the shooting star and then that man appeared. Of course it could all just be coincidence but it felt odd. There are many strange, unusual and mysterious things that happen in the world. most of it probably has an explanation and then there’s the things that remain a mystery.
Love your channel and really enjoyed your UFO week. Best wishes. Keep up the good work.