Former State Dept. analyst Marik Von Rennenkampf says Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer is leading a new effort to gain access to top-secret government files on UFO sightings. But he tells “NewsNation Prime” it goes much deeper. Writing in The Hill, Von Rennenkampt recounts the efforts of Nevada Sen. Harry Reid and others to establish a “ultra secret” program to take non-human technology held by private firms like Lockheed and do what those companies failed to do: reverse engineer those technologies to discover how they work.
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Thank You NewsNation.
Disclosure will never happen guys. The best we can do is call out the government on their bs. Which we try to do. But if disclosure comes out, we are going to be seen as weak letting these things fly through our airspace. And the government will be discredited.
Whether or not there is truth to any of these claims, I appreciate you being the only network willing to thoroughly report on it. While the other networks are spending 3 hours discussing whether or not Trump farted during his trial, you’re bringing light to something millions of people want to know more about.
Pro tip: It’s probably a psyop
Great reporting again news nation.
Until there has been successful reverse engineering to the point of creating weaponry by one or another of our world powers, no one will show their hand until long after they have militarily used it. Maybe the technologies ‘inventors’ will prevent that as I can only assume they realise that we are a pretty stupid and violent creature.
One can only hope.
Good to see some uptick regarding the UFO/UAP situ…. well done NewsNation getting back into this topic again after a rather quiet period
I hope it’s ufos and not disinformation, they’re expert liars