2024年 Netflix explores UFO mysteries with ‘Files of the Unexplained’ | Reality Check

  • 2024.05.23
  • UFO
2024年 Netflix explores UFO mysteries with ‘Files of the Unexplained’ | Reality Check

Netflix is embracing UFO stories with shows like the sci-fi hit “3 Body Problem” and “Files of the Unexplained,” which are breakout hits for the streaming service this year. Ross Coulthart talks with EP/Director Skye Borgman of “Files of the Unexplained” about the cases she profiled this season, her dealings with Netflix and what’s possibly coming next in Season 2!

Host: Ross Coulthart
Executive Producer: Andy Gipson
Senior Producers: Sam Adelman, Joe Ward, Emily Lambert
Producer: Claire Bottom
Editor: Rob Alvarez

On “Reality Check,” NewsNation contributor Ross Coulthart digs into stories the media is supposedly not meant to tell, taking a fact-based approach to tackle everything from unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) to mysteries often missing from the headlines.

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0:00:00 Tackling the stigma of UFOs
