Could it really be that these otherworldly visitors coexist among us, crossing over from unseen dimensions into our world? Find out in this video from Season 2, Episode
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Could it really be that these otherworldly visitors coexist among us, crossing over from unseen dimensions into our world? Find out in this video from Season 2, Episode
what if its the jinn
Why do people think that things may live in another dimension, meaning only 1 dimension? Considering we live in 4 dimensions at once. Four dimensions being up & down, left & right, backwards & forwards plus time being the fourth. Maybe things that live in another dimension actually come from multiple other dimensions.
Jason! Didn’t know you got on AA! Awesome!
idantheman1 youtube jerry and truck is a picture of a shadow person .died at 53 ,came back 17years old
I’ll volunteer to do DMT!!!!☺
Shadow people are call dead people spirit…!!
These are jinns from another dimension, those who are after us to takeover by minimize our population. Its just a filter between us & them, they’re real as we have families, friends, clans whole world of them.