Retired U.S. Army Colonel Karl Nell says not only do aliens exist, but they also interact with humans. Nell is the former director of the Pentagon’s UAP task force. Ross Coulthart breaks down Nell’s public statements and responds to those who question why there is no evidence.
Host: Ross Coulthart
Executive Producer: Andy Gipson
On “Reality Check,” NewsNation contributor Ross Coulthart digs into stories the media is supposedly not meant to tell, taking a fact-based approach to tackle everything from unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) to mysteries often missing from the headlines.
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You’re doing a fantastic job Ross. How lucky we are you decided to get into this subject many years ago on the pretence of proving it BS but now having realised this is a very real issue you’ve become such an important person at the forefront of the disclosure movement..
The cover for misdeeds is huge as you say, these criminals that keep the secrets have committed EVERYTHING from murder to deliberate destruction of innocent peoples professional and private lives and all that’s in between .. This is all about control and trillions of dollars – we don’t need fossil fuels at all and they know it, no electrical meters, no fuel stations etc.. UFOs aren’t using 98 RON unleaded to get here… As JP Morgan said “if I can’t put a meter on it I don’t want to know about it”
Another threat for our government to protect us from? H’mm – I wonder………….
So it’s being used as a diversion for something we really should be looking at christ we know UAP are real enough of us have seen them
So if you
Give a man a fish…
Teach a man to fish..
Give a man free will…
Teach a man Compassion?
Calling the rest of the world baddies indicates a bias and is lazy journalism. They have caused more suffering and created multiple forever wars, based on National security and interests. The US’s lies and greed (if there are reverse engineered craft) has set the human race back 100’s of years.
I think that UFOs and Non Human Intelligence aren’t related subjects
I suspect that UAPs are another thing again….
Wouldn’t Terrence McKenna’s machine elves be non human intelligence? What about fairies? Or Angels, Gods, The Devil, and demons, Jinn and even mermaids? They would all be non human intelligence- are we automatically assuming beings from other planets ? Advanced AI would be non human intelligence ….
And all the ufos are just secret advanced technology that is intended for either warfare or being suppressed so the fat cats can squeeze the last dime out of fossil fuels
The deep state runs the U.S ( Rockerfellers , Rothschilds and others .. )
it is a security state and not a democratic state as people may like to think just because elections are held there .. If the deep state has alien stuff, it will not come out .. no matter who says what in Congress or White House ..
See here’s the rub, if this is the case, and the government have known and this for x amount of time, and the abductions experiment, potential deaths, are then real too conducted by aliens and the gov allowed it since they were aware, either through treaty or ommission, then that would place the government(s), individuals, in the legal frame of complicit/likable,… And you may then wonder why there are those in government who wilfully obfuscate the facts. And whistleblowers are usually executed, see Clinton, see 737 max…cue label, your choice. Peace
Keep it up, Ross, you’re doing great!