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In todays video we talk about the UK Government PLANS To Disclose ALIEN LIFE!
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The Donald Trump video was recorded when he was president its about 5 or 6 years old. Its been on youtube for quite a while.
Every president thats been asked has said theres something going on, but cant confirm it. Except for Biden, cuz he doesnt even know where Roswell is at. Lol
I cant see the uk government coming out with full disclosure, it would upset powerful forces in the States too much
Distraction… With a general election coming up…
The UK is a joke. There isn’t a leader of any worth in evidence today nor for the last 15-20 years. It’s crumbling and dying and keeps asking for more. If the UK came out and disclosed fully the rest of the world wouldn’t accept it and would probably laugh.
NObody in their tiny mind would ever trust anything the uk says,it has no credibility left , the uk gov since the gulf war evil war monger blair threw uk in the pit of cow dung
Well – in all reality – you can’t take any thing That Trump Says for even hinting at, seriously or as fact – in fact Take anything he says with a very earth sized Grain of salt. in fact i doubt those in power over Area 51 would have been dumb enough to even disclose anything to that Ninny Hammer.
I think our leaders and intellectuals have been under some sort of “alien mind control” for decades…