In 2008 in Stephenville, Texas a local pilot sees lights in the sky over his ranch coming from something huge. He is not alone: hundreds of people saw the craft, and a local reporter makes it her life’s work to tell their stories. From this classic encounter we head back several decades to the beginning of the UFO phenomenon in America and the launch of Project Blue Book to study the country’s growing “UFO problem.”
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About UFOs: Investigating the Unknown
In 2021, the US government p
When will you open your eyes.plantary, exploration. Planetary advancement. They want to upgrade some people, and maybe will grow up. The rest will be recycled gradually back into their experimental process to upgrade humanity. This must be done in order to keep this planet peacefull and intact
Trump and his followers clearly show why UFOs should continue to be kept secret. Some people are too bat-shite crazy to handle things in a sane and responsible manner.
It’s SCARY the people who grow our food are this crazy and delusional. They need to be investigated for hard drugs or mental issues.
Pleiadians are always helping & guiding humanity.
Honestly if they were a threat they would have done something by now and if they are a threat there’s not much we can do. They’re most likely just curious about all the life forms on our planet, since life is so rare in the universe. Why would they attack us? For our resources? Territory? There’s an entire universe filled with both. The only thing rare that earth has that isn’t literally everywhere else is complex life.
Oh no! Angela passed away from COVID? I saw her in the documentary “I Know What I Saw”, and she wasn’t in much of it, but I loved her personality and her laugh. What a happy lady. So sad to hear she’s gone. Wow.
1940s government was STARTING to wake up…
The Lizard Nephilim ARE the government .
Putting on a show for humans.
The take over happened 6,000 years ago.
You are food.
You are THEIR herd.
No I said my angel nock down UFO that why they crash