2024年 DAVID GRUSCH MAKES STATEMENT! He says new UFO whistleblowers do not trust AARO. New hearing soon?

  • 2024.06.12
  • UFO
2024年 DAVID GRUSCH MAKES STATEMENT!  He says new UFO whistleblowers do not trust AARO. New hearing soon?

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David Grusch came forward over a year ago and blew the lid off of the UAP program. He has been mostly silent over the last few months. Recently after a Senator was asked about new hearings, Grusch decided to make a statement that the particular Senator didn’t have access to his Whistleblower list and they have not come forward to AARO because they do not trust the government organization. What does this mean for the next hearing? Will this be a bipartisan run hearing or will AARO drive this one forward to protect the secrets? Chris Bledsoe was on SkyFire News and spoke about some footage he says is real. His son was angered at some of the motives of Tom Delonge and others to try to get his dad on board with some wild theories about Bill Clinton and others. This and more on today on UAP Tuesday with Kristian and Mark. THIS IS THE LAST UAP TUESDAY ON THIS CHANNEL. STARTING NEXT WEEK, FIND IT HERE:
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