MILE WIDE Pyramid UFO! Massive UFO Sightings! BUCKLE-UP 2024
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What „THEY“ demonstrate – for the past decades or more – is that „THEY“ are peaceful and want to make it the new normal for us to see them…maybe an acclimatization to them? So all of this leads to open contact…sooner or later… Don’t ask IF they are real, there are real ones between all the GCI anyway. Ask what you will do, WHEN they come. Running away and screaming in disbelief is not really an option then….
Maybe these things are the reason why so many pyramids were built around the world by past civilisations
You guys are steadily losing whatever credibility you had. I believe in UFOs, but using that first video as your click bait is just a joke. Now you guys are purely just after the views on your show whatever CGI crap that’s doing the rounds. Yet again, no mention of where the video was filmed. What date anything why would they only film a few seconds of it?
my concerns are why arent the rest of the clouds in the sky moving? The only clouds moving are arnd that shadowed object. ahow long is the original submission?
That first one NEEDS the Jaws theme.
I have to say space force be re- engineered UFO
Hey guys. I like watching you channel, but use your heads besides something as a hat rack. The black orbs you are saying that’s stationary are on spots on the wind of the plane. You can clearly see that when it isn’t zoomed in. When it is played in normal mode. You can see the black spots on the window moving with the plane. The only reason they are stationary is because you froze the video lol. Come on man! as pedophile Biden would say.
holyshyyt i forgot all about this cringy channel years ago lmao
Very cool