After years of silence, secrecy, and concealed documents, researchers unearthed a groundbreaking Pentagon UFO report. This ignited a frenzy of revelations, propelling investigators towards unraveling the enigma of the alien autopsy and uncovering the truth behind the events in Roswell’s desert in
What year was this made?
Now that’s a tale and half story.
Absolute Documentaries, I love your style, wanna be friends?
The autopsy film is definitely real
not this thing again jeez ffs
It will certainly remain part of everyone’s imagination but if we encounter another life form it will probably not look like in it does in every debunked Alien autopsy movie, nor will it phone home with his finger glowing up.
These beings are about as alien as the entity Alister Crowley summoned with his Babylon Working rituals. Fallen angels and Archons.