In searching for signs of intelligent life in outer space, a new study suggests we may not be alone. Researchers have identified at least seven stars that might be surrounded by advanced megastructures known as “Dyson spheres.”
#Space #DysonSpheres #Research
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It’s always the same thing. “Is it an alien? or is it not? we may never know.” obviously, they can’t say yes or no so you’re just reading a story to get left hanging. I can sit and wonder if there’s aliens all day by myself
Reporters clinging to condescension to save face while speaking on this topic is a new level of ick. Life + intelligence in the universe being confined to Earth is about as likely as the Earth being flat, yet we laugh whenever someone suggests we might not be alone. I’m just imagining these reporters in the 17th century, giggling like children as they report that Galileo published a paper saying Earth isn’t the center of the universe lol
Why am I being talked to like I’m 9 being shown a cute cat video??
I hate when “debunkers” say things like “Well wait, you’re JUMPING to knowing Dyson Spheres even exist! You’re JUMPING to knowing aliens even exist!” – It’s like, bro, we ALL know they exist now! We don’t even need to pretend like they dont
I got one of those Dyson Spheres but it won’t pick up right so I’ve gone back to my Hoover.
Don’t buy a house in Florida or Phoenix, look for property within the Dyson Sphere!
These news reporters seem absolutely clueless.
Thank God We ain’t monkeys i always hated that theory…
Just do your job and report. Keep your biased opinions to yourself.