Patrick discusses MUFON’s BREAKING NEWS via Press Release.
“the biggest UFO-related news event of the year. We have physical materials.”
John Greenewald Jr. Tweet:
MUFON Symposium:
dude, Ron James here. you want me to clear this up?
They’ll probably pass it off as russian propaganda as usual.
Same material, many pieces of? Is this ex Soviet era or more recent? George Knapp gained access to ex Soviet documents. Does he have any knowledge of this?
Interesting Announcement eitherway, what they Present remains to be seen.
Now with with the way they explained things here, they probably had it Shiped via mail to be less obviouse and too protect the Source itself, without the Source having to come personally with the Fragments in question, or Samples of it.. otherwise he and the Samples wouldnt have been picked up (theory)
The Samples where probably Signetured and then put into the Postal Lockbox, all ok on that. However who ever knew about this Shipping and waiting for it to arrive to Retrieve/Steal this then had to have good contact and be able to get around Postal Services without problems, so your talking a 3 lettered Organisation that will be able to gain access and tell the Services too look away due to National Security or what not.
Anyway, Mufon did say Live Stream, so id assume that the Fragments where the Samples where taken off will be showen from a Stream, and the Evidance of the Material Analysis as well as where the Fragments where found etc. will be presented their by them at the Symposium.
Thats how id imagne they will Present it in all.
Intriueged too hear more when they do. Id still take whats said with a Grain of Salt though at the moment, especially from Certain Sources.
Patrick it does mention materials of unknown origin on the link you put on thanks
Here we go again..let’s see what will come of this claim.
Why posting the samples by UPS?
Reminds me of the Peru mummie story.
What a complete load of bollocks