While Ross Coulthart is on assignment in America, we are sharing moments from his November interview with former minority staff director of the Senate Intelligence Committee and former deputy assistant secretary of Defense of Intelligence Christopher Mellon.
Mellon’s goal is to help the U.S. government overcome intelligence failures. He tells NewsNation why he believes the government should reveal its attempts to engage with detected UAPs.
On “Reality Check,” NewsNation contributor Ross Coulthart digs into stories the media is supposedly not meant to tell, taking a fact-based approach to tackle everything from unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) to mysteries often missing from the headlines.
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Host: Ross Coulthart
Executive Producer: Andy Gipson
Senior Producers: Sam Adelman, Emily Lambert
Associate Producer: Corinne Catibayan
Editor: Tony Diasio
Interns: Sydney Ekeroth, Derrick Stilley
00:00-00:50 Introduction
My God life just gets weirder by the day,
What’s annoying is they always say we are going to reveal UFO-UAP secrets it’s starting to be disappointingly boring, like the Government will tell the truth ever!
Why does he sound like he’s on children’s TV?
I don’t get it. The only reason they cannot just be “national security”.
It’s not like the world’s governments don’t cooperate on less important things.
It’s just weird that NATO hasn’t come forward on this yet.
KEEP THESE COMING ROSS. THISVIS THEBMOST IMPORTANT THING TO BE DISCOVERED IN THE HISTIRY OF MANKIND!!!! DONE LET THISVSTORY DROP. KEEP PUSHING THESE bureaucrats and Intelligence Officers. Put them on the spot on camera. We As Americans demand answers. We have a right to know this could affect humankind going forward
oh great! the disinformation puppets!
And now an alien race wants to know who shot down one of their craft. Nothing like USA to make friends….
If the E.T.’s wanted this rock THEY WOULD ALREADY HAVE IT.
Lose the Xenophobia
Shame it’s only the far right channel covering this. But good on them for doing it.
Don’t listen to these guys..I heard the same garbage in the last cold war when Russia was a threat. They’re attempting to use the UFO phenomenon as an excuse, to blame it for their covert operations over enemy territory. If the Chinese believe that aliens are flying over their towns and cities, they probably won’t shoot them down or blame its enemies like the USA.
Look the CIA use the black triangle, in pop culture it’s called the TR-3B. It’s a tactical reconnaissance vehicle with anti-gravity type propulsion system. It’s deadly silent and is used to spy on or collect data from potential enemies. All this hype is a disinformation program. Hell they even dragged Bob Lazar out of the woodwork and threw him on Joe Rogan. Open your eyes guys, you’re all being played ‘again’.