In this episode of “Reality Check with Ross Coulthart,” renowned Brazilian UFO researcher Rony Vernet ventures into the heart of the Amazon rainforest. Driven by years of intriguing reports, Vernet sets out to investigate extraordinary phenomena that suggest the presence of UFOs.
This man is full of s….t No video or any kind of proof. He’s just using his 15 minutes of fame with lies. Everyone thinks to whip out a phone to record something like he’s claiming in his fable story. WHAT A HUGE WASTE OF TIME HE IS!
This sounds very much different than the extra terrestrial phenomenon
I call blsht
The Face Peeler attacks still do not have real answers in Peru. The government said jetpack miners……
Think about that for a minute as you watch a few videos. Look at Hack smiths jet pack videos.
Its a sport and very few people can afford them and use them, and they are not bulletproof or cheap.
So jet pack miners are flying over treetops at night to seeeeee? To see the gold at night over the thick canopy? Then they decide to drop down eeal quick to cut a young girls neck and then jetpack out of there while being shot at and bulletproof…because they are looking for gold?
And all of the attack videos are at night.
People need to remember this. It has been brushed under the rug too long with no updates.
Effects of weed
Hello that object had extremely clear, consistent, navigation lights. please stop misinformation @newsnation
what kind of jungle is silent?
Am I missing something here? He spent all that time and money just to get shots of his own DRONE???? Really didn’t have much “evidence” of anything….
Um yeah…except this has been debunked, the lights are drones flown by miners who aim to scare the indigenous population to keep them away from illegal mining operations. This is literally Scooby-Doo stuff, not Aliens or Super-humans from Atlantis. Sorry folks.