Former Navy Radar Operator Kevin Day who was present during the infamous Tic Tac video says that says more witnesses from the that day will be going public. Day warned them to be cautious and sure that they want to do it before committing.
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As someone who has discussed the Tic Tac UFO on my channel extensively, I’m looking forward to hearing from the new witnesses.
Its great more witnesses come forward, but as for how they are treated afterwards depends on how they present their evidence, Its fine if they describe what they’ve seen as looking unusual and appearing to go against the laws of physics, but if they add there’s nothing on earth like this and infer it must be off world they invite more intrusive interest from certain sections of the media. Just keep belief in aliens private only present exactly what was seen.
While browsing YT yesterday I accidentally found “UAP STUDIES Podcast” definitely worth to check out. They have all the heavy hitters of the UAP world…never heard of them before…
Keep up the good work
High five, Kris. Keep it coming.
I’m a former naval officer and I have some info about the uap topic. I do outreach for everyday people who are caught up in the silencing campaign that is used to conceal information about the topic.
It’s important for people to know that the US and many other countries have a nasty set of human-machine interface weapons that are used in these covert targeting schemes. The stories about the Havana Syndrome touched on the weapons a little bit. However, I recommend watching the Military Academy’s seminar ‘The Brain is the Battlefield of the Future’ on YouTube for a more complete picture. That lecture was presented to the West Point cadets and all the tech mentioned therein exists right now and is used in covert harassment.
These weapons have capabilities that are much closer to what you would see in shows like Avatar or Black Mirror than what was reported in the Havana Syndrome stories. This allows people working counterintelligence to intimidate and discredit uap witnesses. It’s a wireless torture weapon, and it’s used in a way that is designed to mimic the ‘hallucinations’ symptom of paranoid schizophrenia. The attack is coupled with a predatory stalking scheme like the old FBI COINTELPRO or Scientology’s ‘Fair Game’ contract stalking program.
These attacks are not limited to the uap topic, and the process is used by corrupt partisans, corporations, and wealthy individuals. The Harvey Weinstein case describes how those services are hired out using a lawyer as a cutout.
There is a way to stop this and get info about the uap topic. That is by doing a criminal investigation like the Justice Department’s ‘Operation Fox Hunt’ case. The press conference announcing those charges is online. Likewise, FBI Boston’s case against several former eBay executives who targeted a Natick, Ma couple provides a blueprint on how to investigate these crimes. That couple occasionally criticized eBay in their online merchant newsletter. The press conferences for that case are online, and the same sorts of things are done to uap witnesses and whistleblowers. Honestly, I don’t know why the community doesn’t focus on the criminal aspect more. If the public knew what was happening, they’d step in and stop the violence immediately. In that criminal investigation process we’d get a lot of great info about the topic.
That Good Morning Vietnam picture is crooked and I have tried to straighten it with my mouse, but it just wont work…