Are we nearing the day when whistleblowers will finally be taken seriously–and their accounts proven true? Find out in this clip from Season 20, Episode
都市伝説やオカルト動画まとめ 都市伝説やオカルト 動画まとめ
Are we nearing the day when whistleblowers will finally be taken seriously–and their accounts proven true? Find out in this clip from Season 20, Episode
When an army of any country mobilizes so many soldiers and vehicles to a location…it is to solve the problem immediately, even more so at that time. Yes, it happened there.
Is that true?
Arnold Is Back …….T2
On the 1947 at time India has a independent wat going on ?? We are not alone.
This can happen again
I think Roswell has been done to death people don’t need to see another show on it find something new
W.W. “Mac” Brazel didn’t think much of anything about the odd pieces of debris he found, altogether so small an amount it fit in the trunk of a car with room to spare. It wasn’t even immediately after the debris appeared, but possibly days later that he even was aware of it. There were no contemporary reports of a UFO streaking through the sky. Brazel had no telephone on his ranch and didn’t bring it up until more days had passed, when he went to Corona to visit a relative. Then he heard about current (but wholly unrelated stories) about “flying discs” etc in the papers. That’s when he called Sheriff Wilcox and this turned into a UFO story. He wanted his fifteen minutes, just as Jesse Marcel wanted his, decades later.
“Mac” Brazel was the nephew of Jesse Wayne Brazel, the man who killed Pat Garrett, about 40 years earlier. Jesse went straight to Las Cruces to report the incident, telling a tale of self defense. He was tried and acquitted on those grounds after a thorough investigation. So it seems that the Brazel family had something in their bloodline that sought out attention.