Patrick discusses Danny Sheehan’s latest comments during an X-Space about Alien/Human Hybrids. This video might shock you.
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Patrick discusses Danny Sheehan’s latest comments during an X-Space about Alien/Human Hybrids. This video might shock you.
X Space:
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The proof is already there with the case of the Nazca mummies…the latest scientific research already demonstrates an ancient genetic engineering program (hybridization)on most of the humanoid mummies of Nazca….Maria/Mario for example > has her DNA analysed & Very Important Information that proves that this The Biggest Discovery in Human History is Very Unique & 100% Real. link :
12:20 LOL well said brotha
The Hybrids were engineered to replace us. Humans are approaching diminishing returns, we need an upgrade. That’s why our birth rates are so low. We will die out & the Hybrids will inherit the world.
Crazy a man of his reputation within Law can freely say all this like it’s just normal conversation
patrick once again ending by questioning everything and mocking. he doesnt “vet” he pushes back on everyuthing.
how about if the detonation of nuclear wepons is the only shot we have at repelling an attack from them, and at the same time renders the planet inhospitable for them and the whole agenda is making it seem they wanna help by advising us to disarm? makes their invasion easier
Patrick asking a some interesting questions about the how why and what can only be speculated at this point.
Q. 9:35 Why create hybrids to live on other planets?
A. Because their own earth-like planet has already faced a mass extinction event and needs to be re-populated?
Q. 9:50 They expect “US” to get rid of our nuclear weapons?
A. “Good luck with that” What makes you think they haven’t already disarmed our beloved nukes already. (Re Dr Robert Jacobs and Robert Hastings accounts and recent nuclear site incursions)?
Q: 10:55 Why can’t aliens be the ones to gestate the embryos?
A: It’s a 2-fold process according to Dr David Jacobs. The humans are used to initiate the fertilization process and several weeks later, the foetus is removed and the NHI take over. We may not know the reason but that doesn’t dispell the consistent reporting suggest that this is in fact the process currently.
Q. 11:40 What are the NHI on their planet saying on their CNN?
A. Why assume that they have the same level of ego, beliefs, culture and politics that we have? Maybe these are the very traits they are purposely eliminating from our DNA
Q. 12:05 How many generations will this process take to complete?
A. What it the rate of abduction on our own planet? Has it always existed through our human timeline? How many hybrids need to be realised before their bloodline reaches “critical mass” and becomes self-sustaining cycle? Does time even mean the same to them as it does to us? A hundred years for them may seem like seconds to us.
Q: “Who to hybridize with? Theres some dumb people on this planet!”
A: Is that mental deficiency a product of genetics or mere culture, education and upbringing which are all independent of the source sperm and ova.
They probably created us to begin with & constantly genetically altering us to their liking.
I believe they are trying to extract our souls.