Patrick is joined by the “Reddit UFO Whistleblower” in an exclusive interview where he will show his face and give his name for the first time publicly.
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都市伝説やオカルト動画まとめ 都市伝説やオカルト 動画まとめ
Patrick is joined by the “Reddit UFO Whistleblower” in an exclusive interview where he will show his face and give his name for the first time publicly.
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I understand why the interview isn’t out. He didn’t say anything specific that ties anyone to anything. There’s speculation for sure. But nothing that is verified. Like, I totally believe what he’s saying. It just is nothing that is concrete or verified of actual goings- on with the site. I’m in the camp that I believe they def track uap at the facility. But I’m also realistic. I don’t know if the site is just a high powered radar site, or that they track uap and double as a recovery team rally site. I say yes they do. But you don’t have to believe it.
Well, I now though why News Nation hasnt run this. Another huge Nothing Burger…
Great interview Patrick, well played
Surprise, surprise surprise…
Don’t trust fat ex-military guys… Didn’t we already learn this with Michael Herrera?
Great interview
lol dude has nothing
This is not an exclusive interview. This guy was on 2 other channels about 2 months ago telling his story.