Welcome back to UAP Tuesday here on the Down To Earth channel. Ross Coulthat supposedly conducted and interview with another UFO whistleblower in June of this year. This is a claim by a REDDIT user who said new Nation interviewed and have not released the interview. True? False? What does it mean? Will the interview see the light of day? Lue Elizondo’s book is almost there, what will it mean for the disclosure plan? Will the discolure act pass? Rounds comments on it. Tim Burchett meets with Jamie Mousan. This and more on UAP Tuesday with Kristian Harloff and Pavel.
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I’m the whistleblower you guys are talking about if you have any questions please ask and I’d be glad to address them.
If only a general can give congress acces to the facileties that David talked about t than youre goverment ( congress) has no power..nothing to say against The army and the airforce is your boss ha ha …
Nice one – you’re the first to run this, thank you.
Me and my wife and 2 others saw a flying disk in our front yard august 17th 2023.
This happened in west Tn.
It was right above some tall pine trees ,I grew up right next door to a Air Force base in California as a kid so I know air craft.
This was a disk shape with big square windows or lights down the side and the disc was tilted down towards us. It was rounded by a blue light and fog but you could clearly see it.it scared the shit out of me because I new it was all real.
Here’s the thing until you see it you will all ways have doubt ,but when you do you will know with out a doubt.
Love you, Humans!!! Keep up the awesome work Kristian
I hope this channel will focus on the fact that this entire “disclosure” theatrics is pretty much heavy pure propaganda. That’s the only thing that explains all the hush hush. I mean come on can’t u see this is all a ploy to fake some event?
Unless it’s under oath before congress it’s not worth the time.
A person with a story does not equal whistleblower.
You guys ever hear about the “4hr tape” story where basically aliens last came in the early 1300s and theres been an agreement ever since then that they can come and go as they please and “eat” as many humans as needed?!? It was either total annihilation or become a farm…
All this to say, if this is the case then it would explain the secrecy… BUT now, there are other races involved..and maybe we have a chance now…??