Explore the enigmatic megalithic stones of Puma Punku, a site that has baffled archaeologists for centuries. Discover the secrets behind these massive, precisely cut stones and delve into the mysteries of this ancient Bolivian wonder.
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“Ancient Aliens” explores the controversial theory that extraterrestrials have visited Earth for millions of years.
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It is clear there was a weaponary conflict on this site..
H is for hack! History Channel is a hack group!
If puma punku was built 2000 years ago that would mean it was built while Jesus was on earth. The great pyramid of giza is still more impressive and holds more mystries. As It is the only remaining 1 out of the 7 wonders of the world. It has earth quake proof constructions and over the millenia which other building around it has crombled to dust due to earth quakes over thousands of years. The great pyramid has withstood the test of time. Plus the great pyramid is unique the GPS location of the great pyramid is the same number as the speed of light measures in metres per second. Currently the get pyramid of giza could be viewed as a time capsule that can be decoded by trying to figure out what would it take to design and build the great pyramid what mathematics would be necessary. Then you can figure out what the builders were thinking or what they knew. Weather It was the Metre or the royal cubit. Pi, phi or the golden ratio.
I’m doing that now lol,they need to find out where the stone came from and maybe, get a date.
So People thousands of Years ago had nothing better to do each day then Carve Granite instead of hunting and gathering food and building shelter….I doubt there even would of been a big enough population to construct these Megaliths….
What if these are old cement technology