UFO Lancaster Incident – Mass Sighting in Palmdale! A UFO LANDS IN CALIFORNIA!
Palmdale and Lancaster California just had an insane MASS UFO SIGHTING! With over
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UFO Lancaster Incident – Mass Sighting in Palmdale! A UFO LANDS IN CALIFORNIA!
Palmdale and Lancaster California just had an insane MASS UFO SIGHTING! With over
the thin blinking blueish one is a light refraction. Its actually police car stopped with lights on, and the way the atmosphere, clouds, and other perfect conditions made them refract in the sky. Just like the cities seen in clouds. Your welcome. No more fear mongering.
Ufos are man made, they want a false flag alien invasion to create a one world government like Ronald Reagan wanted
Drones are being mistaken now for UFOs
I watched the 2 lights on the stevenson ranch, CA about 1 month ago.
When I called my girl, these lights had disappeared.
I vote drone swarm