Nearly 80 years later, Jose Padilla shares a story from when he was 9 years old and growing up in a rural part of New Mexico just
都市伝説やオカルト動画まとめ 都市伝説やオカルト 動画まとめ
Nearly 80 years later, Jose Padilla shares a story from when he was 9 years old and growing up in a rural part of New Mexico just
Wouldn’t surprise me if it was true. When the first nuclear weapon went off, (Trinity) the splitting of the atom, (it rips a hole in the space time continuum). It’s like putting a boat near a small waterfall, that’s boat eventually will be drawn to the source of the falling water. (Basic physics) the extraterrestrial beings would be the boat in this scenario. And the nuclear blast is the waterfall… A disturbance in the very realm and plane of existence that all life exists within very likely is what drew the presence of the E.T. life to planet earth. Very interesting stuff.
The government is hidden a lot of secrets that is above and beyond. And people who work for the government back them and now , and are deceased took the truth with them.
You know whats strange about that metal….. back then all they knew was welding. Thats how steel was fused together with extreme heat believe me im a welder.
I cant see any welds on that peice. Which doesn’t make sense to me at all. Very strange.
Isotopic frequency is the ratio of isotopes of any given element. The ones from earth are very specific. The material he had tested is from earth.
Just another liar/someone unable to understand what they’ve seen
I can tell u this human beings have been told if anyone fires a nuclear bomb thats it . Thats why putin hasn’t used a nuclear weapon we have been warned i got this from a retired British admiral.
I believe him!
Jose rules.
i dig this old dude.
u just know he’s be awesome to hang with for an afternoon.. hearing stories from his life, not just about UFOs.
He seems a sincere and honest person. Who can tell what actually happened and what the object really was? I totally respect him