In an exclusive interview, UFO hunter Luis Elizondo told NewsNation’s Ross Coulthart that the U.S. government has been aware of other life on Earth for decades. Elizondo joins “Morning in America” to detail the information he shared during his interview with Coulthart.
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This is about an age old argument (who is God) are the old religions right or are the new religions right about life ,Do all things have a life force or just us ,can we destroy one thing to make another ? If we can not see something does that mean it is not real ,Spirits ,Demon , souls ,angels ,are what they are talking about ,show me the proof it does not exist except in their minds ,
Ah i see. This is the inbetween time where no one really knows whats going on then everyone will catch up. Should be an interesting rest of the year.
Who said they’re aliens?
This guy is a “Waco.”
The govt lies and cover-ups will be the real issue if the classified info goes public. This deception has been happening since before anyone alive today was born. It will lead to total distrust and the downfall of democracy.
The government needs to let us know what’s going on. If some people can’t handle the truth and want to pull their hair out, so what. The truth is the the truth.
The truth will set us free
Welcome back Commander.
At what point does making claims without providing evidence become grifting?
Why are you not talking about the Christian fundamentalists that are blocking access? Luis said that in detail. Forget about this other stuff. The fact that Christians are blocking access because they believe NHI are demons is a far greater problem than anything else.