Patrick discusses Garry Nolan Getting Evidence of a Scientist’s UFO Encounter.
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Patrick discusses Garry Nolan Getting Evidence of a Scientist’s UFO Encounter.
+ VETTED Patreon & Merch:
Right, right,right
Damn pat!! You just keep dropping heat!! Keep up the great work
Nikola Tesla proposed that zero-energy could exist. Not sure why people bash it so hard. I don’t have a closed mind about it, myself.
One average US base load nuclear power plant produces about one gigawatt electric – which is about the average power draw of about one million private homes. To generate this much electricity the plant will produce about three gigawatts of heat, obtained from the use of about 2 to 5% of the energy within its fuel rods. Just putting it in perspective. This is very roughly the average power production of 800 to 1000 wind mills of 3 megawatts name plate capacity, in a good location – though the wind mills do not produce base load power, so the comparison is not direct.
I wonder if the aliens were as dumb as humans at one time, on their far-away planet, and they had their own suppressive government keeping the commoner down.?.? Then one day, a wise Dr. Grey decided to reveal the truth to the public, by bypassing the oppressive government concealment nonsense.
Lazar said his
” Craft”
( Sport Model’s) Power is equivalent to 9 Nuclear Power Plants All TURNED ON….
Can anyone explain -why/how the hell has the main stream news media stayed so silent on this subject ??
Patrick it would probably be way easier than you think to have someone take you up for a recreational flight. Just go to your local satellite airport that flies light aircraft. We have several in Phoenix
Dude, you say “right?” at the end of every sentence. After a while, it becomes. EXTREMELY ANNOYING!!
Btw your haircut aka my recommendation is way more professional. Waaay better