James Fox has been a leading voice in the UFO community. His films have brought tons of attention to the subject. The Phenomenon and Moment of Contact were amazing films to get the conversation going. Now his highly anticpated new film has details and it will screen for buyers. How important will it be? Kristian harloff gives his thoughts.
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Mr. Foxx on watch….
Its sad that most people won’t listen to all these former high-ranking military, but they will believe Trump. Disclose won’t matter if 90 percent of the population has their heads up their butts
I think its an important one becuase most ppl 90% are unaware whats going on and the fact congress, politicians, military are saying all this will be crazy for them. It sill is crazy when you think about it.
I’m a Steven Greer guy when it comes to disclosure and UFOs. Therefore, I believe the real reason for the secrecy is the propulsion source that powers these crafts is a type of zero point energy system. Which is precisely why disclosure will never actually happen. Because the real people that are keeping the lid on this whole thing know full well that a free energy system would completely upend the entire structure of how we live on this planet, and the billionaire oligarchs and masters of industry will not stand to lose their wealth so that people can have access to free energy. Never gonna happen. Mark my words. Yall are hoping for nothing. Yall really think they care if we know about alien life? It’s got nothing to do with that at all. They don’t care. They only care about money and power. That’s all this has ever been about from day one.
Oh wow great, another ufo documentary talking about the same things with the same people that every other doc has already done. Where is the actual evidence? We don’t need another documentary. We don’t need to hear from Christopher Mellon or Luis Elizando anymore. We need actual proof. Im bored with these documentaries. Show us the freakin aliens or craft already, otherwise stop boring us.
I feel like I’m in Plato’s cave watching the same shadows on the wall and realizing none of it is real.
Documentaries can move the needle. It’s happened in the UK in the last 6 months with the pist office computer scandal.
I’m way more enthusiastic about this documentary, than another disclosure bill controlled by politicians who are gate guarders of secrecy. They can control bills but they can’t control free speech which is where true disclosure resides.
Yeah documentaries, appearances in the mainstream, news coverage about citizen action groups, it all keeps the conversation going. We can’t focus on the set backs just what the next right thing is. Getting involved and taking action is so important.
Fox makes entertaining documentaries. What I don’t like about him is he’s too much of a salesman in interviews, trying to convince people.