BEST UFO Videos Of September 2024! What In The World Is Happening?
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Taylor Paul Jackson Deborah Moore Brenda
My condolences boys. Sorry for your loss. Nice dedication on here!
Buzz Aldrin: “Ouch. Is that your ring?”
Alien: “No. It’s my watch.”
What In The World Is Happening? not much going by this video.
Can all these be fake weather baloon videos, or staged hoax UFO videos? Think logically for your answer, some do not, yet cannot face the truth. Your panel is very observant and the young lady has a very modest, fine, beautiful soul.
My Father was once a comic book artist many years ago. He would appreciate the artwork, and your work to expose the truth. Great fathers are always close to you, either in life, mind, or spirit, and never forgotten. Some wounds do take many years to heal. God bless you both, and the meaning he brings you.
The footage at 11:00 could be a time lapse video of the moon through the clouds, and possibly viewed in reverse.
Dude seriously? Learn what singularity means, please! freaking MORONS!
EDIT: I’ve seen at least three balloons in this video so far, and I’m only 34 minutes in! The final count will come soon.
The first annomonly looks like an observation platform.
Advanced alien craft simply don’t crash as far as I’m concerned? They are either shot down and / or of earthly origin to begin with??
C E R N opened a portal to another dimension or some shit. There’s just a crazy amount of weird things like happening lately.